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Friday, August 3, 2012

Welcome to the Girlfriend's Guide

Hello ladies and welcome to the girlfriend's guide. Are you sick of not being able to get you boyfriend away from the x-box or his nose out of those comic books? What if you were actually able to understand how to have a actual conversation with him about these things. Scary? Ya, I know. That is exactly how I felt at first, and then my boyfriend started involving me in all the things that take up his time. Do you know what the scariest part was. It was actually interesting. I even play the x-box now when he is not home and I can not wait for when the new DC and Marvel movies come out. Also, it gives me a little leeway when I want to drag him to the mall with me for my writer's group. This blog is to bring you into the mind of your boyfriend.  I will explain and uncover all the things that keep them interested so you can too. Can you imagine the look on his face at dinner when you start a conversation about Wasteland (the PC game Fallout was loosely based off of from the 80's) Yes. I knew that. Trust me, once he sees that you are making an effort, he will as well. Relationships are all about balance, and I am just the scale you are looking for. My name is Brooke but you can call me B. Im sure we are going to be great friends very soon.


Anonymous said...

nice to meet you

Unknown said...

thank you and thanks for checking out my other blog :)

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