This game is not just your boyfriend's video game. I have to say I am obsessed. The story line is amazing and it is really a great game to play. The game takes place in 2036 where as the main character, Desmond Miles, is a bartender finds out he is a descendant of Assassins. You have been kidnapped by Megacorporation Abstergo Industries. You are forced to use the Animus which basically means you lay down on a metal slab and you are sent into you ancestors life so that you may uncover their memories that the Megacorporation cannot access. The goal of this experiment is to uncover the "Pieces of Eden." which can then control and alter the fate of mankind. You experience the memories as your past relatives, usually Altair, Ezio or Conner.
You have three rules to follow which are entitled, "The Assassin's Creed" The first rule is that you never kill an innocent person. The second is that you are always discrete and the third is that you never compromise the brotherhood.
That is just the first of the Assassins Creed. As of 2012 there are five main games to the series. I highly recommend getting started playing. It is a great game that will keep your interest and give you and your man something to do together.
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